Lily Cole

Birth Day December 27th, 1987
Birth Place Torquay, Devon, England
Age 37 Years Old
Zodiac Sign Taurus

Quotes By Lily Cole

I love modeling but also see it as a platform for the million other things I want to achieve and create in life.
Giving triggers social cohesion. It's also the basis for an economy not based on money.
As users of the Internet, we all have a role to play in defining what we want it to be.
When I was younger, I definitely did face anti-ginger prejudice. As a child, all teasing hurts, whether it's because you're fat or a different race or have red hair. I had enough comments from a couple of people to make it a sore point.
I was of the type who gets bullied rather than the one who does the bullying, which I'm glad about. I'd rather be that than a bully.
There are so many great, great vintage clothes to find; there's a whole territory unexplored there.
Life is shining a light through a magnifying glass on me, looking for me to stumble. I think that's my biggest fear.
I've always gone after fears and tried to stifle them by doing them. It is daunting, but it's more rewarding.
I'm just a lipgloss, blush, and mascara kind of girl. I like playing with a bright lipstick or a heavy eye... But not together!
I was like most teenagers. I wanted to look more conventional - you know, to just be the pretty girl in school.
I paint - I tend more to abstraction - but not as much as I would like to because of time. I would love to do sculpture - I've toyed with the idea of fitting in a sculpture course.
I don't think of myself as a role model for others, but I like to live my life by my own integrity. So, in that sense, I might be a positive influence. I do believe you should get over your insecurities and just try to be the best you can.

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Quotes By

Al Pacino

It's easy to fool the eye but it's hard to fool the heart.

Al Pacino

It's easy to fool the eye but it's hard to fool the heart.

Al Pacino

It's easy to fool the eye but it's hard to fool the heart.

Al Pacino

It's easy to fool the eye but it's hard to fool the heart.