Once your mind and body are healthy, it creates a freedom that helps you enjoy life.
To achieve fitness one need not hit the gym. One can always opt for any sport: yoga, jog, swimming, and much more. The idea is to do something that not only burns calories but relieves stress as well.
The main thing about an endurance challenge is that you have to endure. Not so much physically, but mentally. Your mind gives up first. Not your body.
Bad habits are easy to slip into and good habits are very easy to build. Don't allow yourself to do something that can destroy you.
I don't eat refined white sugar. If I want to eat something sweet it needs to be made with jaggery or honey, so no chemicals.
I haven't been to the gym since 1998. I simply do push-ups and pull-ups, and I run. That's all.
I want all the aspiring models out there to know that it's definitely not just a pretty face that matters!
I began running half-marathons and it helped my fundraising for the multiple sclerosis society and others.
Nobody wants to cast me in films, yes that is true. I do not know why, but that is the reality.
I think people do not associate me with the mainstream.
When I'm traveling, I don't like hotels that much because the spaces they have are really small. So, I look for a homestay or an Airbnb property that is large enough where you could just stretch out to do your thing.
It is unfortunate that as a country we don't have this culture of promoting health and sports.