Liam Neeson

Birth Day June 7th, 1952
Birth Place Ballymena, County Antrim
Age 72 Years Old
Zodiac Sign Gemini

Liam John Neeson Personal Details

Real Name Liam John Neeson
Nationality Irish
Horoscope Gemini
Religion Roman Catholic

Liam John Neeson Family Details

Place Of Birth Ballymena, County Antrim
Birth Nation Northern Ireland
Ethnicity Irish-White
Race White
Father Bernard Neeson
Mother Katherine Neeson
Siblings 3
Sisters 3; Elizabeth, Bernadette, and Rosaleen

Liam John Neeson Marital Status

Marital Status Married
Wife Natasha Richardson (death)
Children 2; Michael Neeson (born on June 22, 1995) and Daniel Jack Neeson (born on August 27, 1996)
Sexual Orientation Straight

Liam John Neeson Education Details

University Queen's University
School Gaiety School of Drama

Liam John Neeson Net Worth & Salary

Net Worth More than $150 Million

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