Let your intuition guide you, but also use your head and take responsibility for the free will choices you make.
When anger gnaws at your soul, you become less of the loving person that you and Spirit know you to be. And if you don’t manage your resentments and embrace life, you’ll compromise your happiness and lose your way on your path.
If you’re one of those really busy or active people whose coffee mug says, “I’ll rest when I’m dead,” I’ve got news for you--the afterlife is not one long nap. You may rest for a bit, but you’ve got places to go, Spirit to see.
You might be like, Once you apologize, then I’ll forgive you. But that’s no good, because you remain bound to the person who harmed you and give them the power until they say, “I’m sorry.”
Doctors have always said that our bodies are built to adapt; if a feeling or experience goes on for long enough, the brain learns to disregard it, work around it, or just treat it as normal.