Yoshimar Yotun

Birth Day April 7th, 1990
Birth Place Callao
Age 34 Years Old
Zodiac Sign Aries

Victor Yoshimar Yotun Flores Personal Details

Real Name Victor Yoshimar Yotun Flores
Nationality Peruvian
Religion Christian
Horoscope Aries
Weekly Wage €7,000

Victor Yoshimar Yotun Flores Family Details

Birth Nation Peru
Place Of Birth Callao
Ethnicity White
Father Victor Yotun
Mother Maria Julia Flores

Victor Yoshimar Yotun Flores Marital Status

Marital Status Married
Spouse Alessandra Cordero
Sexual Orientation Straight

Victor Yoshimar Yotun Flores Height, Weight & Measurements

Height 5 ft 7 in
Weight 66 Kg
Body Type Athletic

Victor Yoshimar Yotun Flores Net Worth & Salary

Net Worth $800,000
Salary €350,000

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