Angie Harmon

Birth Day August 10th, 1972
Birth Place Highland Park in Texas
Age 52 Years Old

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Angela Michelle Harmon Personal Details

Real Name Angela Michelle Harmon
Nationality American

Angela Michelle Harmon Family Details

Birth Nation U.S
Place Of Birth Highland Park in Texas
Father Lawrence Paul Harmon
Mother Daphne Demar Harmon

Angela Michelle Harmon Marital Status

Marital Status Married
Spouse Ex: Jason Sehron

Angela Michelle Harmon Height, Weight & Measurements

Height 5 ft 9 in
Body Measurement 34-25-35
Weight 64 Kg

Angela Michelle Harmon Net Worth & Salary

Net Worth $14 Million
Salary $80,000

Angela Michelle Harmon Other Informations

Awards Won Outstanding Female Actor award at the Gracie Allen Awards in 2012

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