Jean-Marc Vallée

Birth Day March 9th, 1963
Birth Place Montreal, Quebec
Age 61 Years Old
Zodiac Sign Pisces

Jean Marc Vallee Personal Details

Real Name Jean Marc Vallee
Nationality Canadian
Religion Christianity
Horoscope Pisces

Jean Marc Vallee Cause Of Death

Death Date 2021-12-25
Place Of Death Quebec, Canada

Jean Marc Vallee Family Details

Ethnicity White
Birth Nation Canada
Place Of Birth Montreal, Quebec
Siblings Three
Father Unknown
Mother Unknown

Jean Marc Vallee Marital Status

Marital Status Married
Spouse Chantal Cadieux (M. 1990: Div. 2006)
Children Two
Sexual Orientation Straight
Son Alex
Daughter Vallée

Jean Marc Vallee Education Details

University Université du Québec à Montréal

Jean Marc Vallee Height, Weight & Measurements

Height 6 feet 0 inches
Weight 83 kg
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Dark brown
Body Type Average

Jean Marc Vallee Net Worth & Salary

Net Worth $10 Million

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