Roman Kemp

Birth Day January 28th, 1993
Birth Place LA
Age 31 Years Old
Zodiac Sign Aquarius

Roman Kemp Personal Details

Real Name Roman Kemp
Nationality English
Horoscope Aquarius
Religion Christianity

Roman Kemp Family Details

Birth Nation UK
Place Of Birth LA
Father Martin
Mother Shirlie Holliman
Ethnicity White
Sisters Harley Moon Kemp
Siblings 1 Sister

Roman Kemp Marital Status

Marital Status Unmarried
Girlfriend Anne-Sophie Flury
Sexual Orientation Straight

Roman Kemp Education Details

School Berkhamsted School
Education Berkamsted School in Hertfordshire

Roman Kemp Height, Weight & Measurements

Height 1.87m (5 feet 5 inch)
Weight 70kg
Hair Color Light Brown
Eye Color Hazel Blue

Roman Kemp Net Worth & Salary

Net Worth $1 million

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