James Sands

Birth Day July 6th, 2000
Birth Place Rye, New York, United States
Age 24 Years Old
Zodiac Sign Cancer

James Hoban Sands Personal Details

Real Name James Hoban Sands
Nationality American
Horoscope Cancer

James Hoban Sands Family Details

Birth Nation United States
Place Of Birth Rye, New York, United States
Brothers Will Sands

James Hoban Sands Marital Status

Marital Status Single
Sexual Orientation Straight

James Hoban Sands Height, Weight & Measurements

Height 6 ft. 1 inches
Weight 73kg
Body Type Alethic
Eye Color Brown
Hair Color Blonde

James Hoban Sands Net Worth & Salary

Net Worth $1 Million-$5 Million
Salary £161,200

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