John Travolta

Birth Day February 18th, 1954
Birth Place Englewood, New Jersey
Age 70 Years Old

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John Joseph Travolta Personal Details

Real Name John Joseph Travolta
Nationality American

John Joseph Travolta Family Details

Place Of Birth Englewood, New Jersey
Birth Nation USA
Father Salvatore
Mother Helen
Siblings Joey, Ellen, Ann, Margaret, and Sam Travolta
Ethnicity Mixed

John Joseph Travolta Marital Status

Wife Kelly Preston (died in 2020)
Marital Status Married
Children 3

John Joseph Travolta Education Details

High School Dwight Morrow High School

John Joseph Travolta Height, Weight & Measurements

Height 1.83 m
Weight 97 Kg

John Joseph Travolta Net Worth & Salary

Net Worth $250 Million
Salary In Millions

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